World Humanist Congress
The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) holds International Congresses every three years in different parts of the world. Each Congress is organised by a host Member Organisation in conjunction with the IHEU Executive Committee. The next congress is to be held in 2011 in association with member organization The Norwegian Humanist Association (NHA) in Oslo, Norway, on August 12–14, 2011. The main Congress theme is "Humanism and Peace".
IHEU Congresses aim at:
- Bringing together members of IHEU’s Member Organisations and individual supporters to discuss matters of concern, to learn and to draw inspiration from each other.
- Focusing global humanist attention on selected issues, so that an IHEU position on the issue can be formulated.
- Showcasing the role and aims of IHEU, promoting knowledge and understanding of IHEU among other NGOs in the region.
- Creating increased visibility for IHEU and humanism in the media – thereby achieving a generally raised profile for Humanism and humanist concerns in the region.
- Helping build a network of international contacts among Congress participants.
- Creating opportunities for IHEU-kindred organisations to participate in our activities and meetings, on a reciprocal basis.
Previous congresses
External links